środa, 16 października 2024

"Remove the sense of injury and the injury itself will disappear" - Marc Aurelius

 One of the greatest minds of Philosophy of ancient times - Marc Aurelius once said those words...

The funny thing about this is - that these words were coming from the mouth of the mightest person in the world that the human knew that time - he could have just execute everyone that cross him, banish those people (which for some was the punishment greater than death), and he choose not to.

Why - because his mind, his stoic approach was able to distance it from such actions, and for him no harm from saying words - even the grievest - that just was not his problem. He was on a stance that Injury/harm is just in the mind of person offended - the words can harm you only if you let them. 

Should we let words hurt us? We sometime allow - but this does not mean we should allow this to happen. 

I am trying to think outside of such boundaries - this is difficult and will not be possible all the time - but even if from time to time i am able to follow the words of MA than i am already a winner. 

We sometimes here words coming from the different people - even the ones closed to us - then we need to think if those words are really hurting us - or might it be - that they only hurt our pride, and this should be irrelevant. The pride is something that is uselless - this only brings us down, and is not helping at all.

"Whenever someone has done wrong by you, immediately consider what notion of good or evil they had in doing it. For when you see that, you’ll feel compassion, instead of astonishment or rage."

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