wtorek, 11 czerwca 2024

Step by Step - not rushing into ... anything

 Not that long ago - actually a month or so... i was under impression that we all are playing major roles in our movies... when you are thinking like that - you cannot get use to an idea - that you are just a very regular person. We cannot stand the idea that we are not the extraordinary, special people. We want to be the stars. 

We envy the other people that are being talked about by whole world - of course maybe not the villains, but the movie stars, rockstars (pop also), the enteprenours, the inventors, sportsman and woman... we cannot understand why we are just as regular as it could be...

It was (and sometimes still is) with me - i was looking for something more, my ordinary life was too boring for me - and if i was not in the middle of all the actions i was feeling that i am missing something, and i should rush more into everything. Only once i realize that this is not possible, and i would always be missing something - i am able now to breathe - and become more... rested, satisfied with what i am and who have i become... 

Of course sometimes still i feel like i am missing on things, but then i try to realize that this is also important and brave - to be ... noone ... noone special - or maybe we need to understand that we are special - but just for a few people in our life.... and even if for noone? then... whocares ;-)

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