wtorek, 9 lipca 2024

... Once every few weeks ...

 ... there is a good day - a day when even if you are not able to say - "everything is perfect" - you are almost there. You just have this feeling inside your head/mind - that it is just fine! they way it should be. Positive even about such a stupid thing like going to the store to get yourself a deo ;-) or something similar. 

It is not that from now on everything will be perfect - it is just the moment when even the very wrong things about work (mostly it is about work) are not going to spoil your day, nothing will. Even if this is not the most exciting day - you are not looking into anything magnificient - you are just looking into very very small thing - like this shop, like walking the dog, like... i would say have a beer but it might sounds a little like one step closer to AA meeting - which in fact it is very far.

Very small thing - like a walk 2-3-4 and more kilometers with someone to get an ice cream. Just something very small, just to be able to get some rest - and maybe not that poluted air. 

Today i am there - i feel ok. Strange thing maybe due to some conversations with my wife ;-) but maybe not ;-)

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