How long can one stand the complaints, cursing and swearing of a "unhappy" person? I would say not that long -especially when "a person" complains about everything. Starting from weather, too many people of different color, too much noise, to much... basicaly too much of everything.
At the same time this person insist on doing everything together, going everywhere together... like a fucking "old couple" - this is not possible to stand it for too long. I've managed to keep calm almost a week. And that was it... i have bursted...
the question is - should we even stay calm, shoud we even for a second allow such ... behaviour... why one person is allow to be offensive, be complaining, be a pain in the ass and the rest are supposed to walk around him on toes.... not to hurt his feeling....
Next funny thing - he keeps insisting on "me" calling the cab.... he has exactly the same card - but he still is like... "when you are calling the cab", "have you called the cab yet", "when is the cab coming"... i also had enough and i have asked him he cannot call one ... the answer was ... "why should i"... i was shocked...
The outcome - i am never going with that person again anywhere. seriously this is riddiculous... he thinks that the whole world evolves around him,... and he has all the right to tell everyone around what to do... and how to do it...